To create an email account:
- Log into your cPanel and click Email Accounts.
- Type the email address to be created in the Email field.
- If you manage more than one domain, make sure to select the appropriate domain from the pull-down menu.
- Type the password in the Password field.
- Retype the password in the Password (again) field.
- You can click the Password Generator link to have a strong password generated for you.
- If desired, type the quota in the Mailbox Quota field.
- The quota defines how much hard drive space the account will be allowed to use.
- PICK Important: Due to mail server constraints, quotas cannot be greater than 2048 MB. Quotas exceeding this amount must be unlimited.
- Click Create.
*NOTE: By default you have no email address setup. The main username may look like it is setup as an email, but if you wish to use it, you will need to add it as an email account.
Existing Email Addresses
Your existing email addresses are displayed in table where you can view information about the accounts, or make edits. In this table you can:
- See how much disk space the account uses.
- Change a password.
- Change a quota limit.
- Delete an email address.
- Access an account through webmail.
- Configure a mail client.
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